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Become Famous for Your Client Results | Systems Famous E1
Ashley Rose, a Systems and Airtable Expert, shares strategies on how to become famous for your client results in this podcast episode.
The word “famous” gets a bad rap.
When Ashley’s coach first told her, “You need to name your show ‘Systems Famous’ and own it,” she thought, “Who am I to say that? Who am I to claim that?”
But the more she sat with it, the more she realized that is not only who she is, but it’s also who she aspires to be.
More importantly, it’s exactly what she wants to support her clients in claiming themselves: becoming famous in their industry for their client results.
In her very first episode, Ashley dives right into the shift that needs to happen in the coaching industry to focus on client results.
You’ll also get to hear her story of how she built the reputation she has in the coaching industry today and what to expect from the Systems Famous show.